
Pierre Cervello
4 min readOct 26, 2020

The truth is , whether you believe it right now or not, tomorrow will be better

Photo by Keegan Houser on Unsplash

Today I am happy. I wake up knowing that it is the big day, the one I have been waiting 3 months 10 days and 3 hours for to be exact. It is now 9:00am and I am finally on my way to go to the theme park for the first time! It is now 7:00pm, I am on my way back and what a blast it was, I will never forget how happy I am right now!

Today I am cranky. I wake up knowing I have to go to work today. It is 9:00am and I am on m way to that same old cubicle, same old job, same old Sally telling me about her bloody hair all day. I really want to go home right now but I can’t, so I endure the day and try to stop thinking. It it is 7:00pm and I am on my way back home, what an annoying day this was.

Today I am sad. I wake up with tears in my eyes. I realise that I don’t like my job and that I spend more time complaining then actually doing something about it. It is 9:00am and I am on my way back to my my boring old job. It is now 7:00pm, I am on my way home. I had a crap day and feel more depressed than ever, I then tell my self tomorrow everything changes!

Today I am feeling determined. I wake up with my eyes wide open and a determination yet to be discovered. It is 7:00am today, I spent most of my night thinking of a game plan. Today I have decided to no longer complain and do something…



Pierre Cervello

Nature Lover, always looking to learn new things. Life is full of wonders and i want to discover them all!